Use Google Tag Manager? 2010 October | Breakup Advice - Part 3

Most of us interested in breakup advice understand that if a relationship has meant anything deep to us at all, then its breakup is almost certainly going to hurt in some way and to some degree. This experience of painful separation is an eternal one and is described by people in many ways. We talk about being heartbroken or crushed or devastated. All such terms, while somewhat vague, are useful and help us give a general name to our difficult feelings triggered by a breakup.

But labeling our breakup pain can become a problem when we begin to delve into the more specific and more serious conditions that can be associated with it. For example, one of the most common specific labels that people use during a breakup is that of depression. Many people, in the midst of their breakup pain, use this term and may even seek treatment for the psychological condition of depression. Some even find a doctor who agrees and are put on anti-depressant medication.

While it is true that some of those suffering after a breakup really do have depression, and should be treated for it, some of them are actually mislabeling themselves – or even being mislabeled by mental health professionals. What many of those mislabeled are actually going through is an experience of withdrawal from an addiction.

When a drug addict uses his or her drug, especially over time, it creates chemical changes in the brain and the rest of the body. They then become physically and/or psychologically dependent on the drug to the point where they may be unable to function without it. Once addicted, when they are unable to attain their depended-upon substance, they go into a state called withdrawal. This withdrawal can be a devastatingly painful, and, at its worst, even life-threatening, experience.

Well, believe it or not, a relationship can trigger addiction and withdrawal, as well. Of course, on some level, this has long been recognized by pop musicians, as evidenced by both recent songs such as “Your Love is My Drug” by Ke$ha, as well as older songs, such as “Hard Habit to Break” by Chicago, which features the lyric “I’m addicted to you baby. You’re a hard habit to break.” But, recent years have brought more support for this notion from those who offer breakup advice in the actual medical and mental health communities.

So how exactly does a relationship trigger addiction and withdrawal? Research is showing – and your experience may seem to corroborate – that intense attraction and attachment release certain chemicals in the brain. And just as with many other chemicals, certain people can become addicted to or dependent on these internally-released or “endogenous” chemicals. Then, if the relationship is taken away, the addict may experience a withdrawal from those chemicals that are no longer being triggered, just like any other drug addict may experience when they lose the substance on which they are dependent.

To more fully understand withdrawal from an addictive relationship, we should also look at what is happening psychologically. Many of us, whether we realize it or not, use intense relationships as a way to bury or block out awareness of painful memories and feelings about past experiences. This is especially true for those who suffered, and are trying to outrun the pain of, challenging family issues or various types of abuse or abandonment in their development. In fact, for some, this barrier function becomes the main purpose of relationships.

When such a person has a relationship end, and their partner is no longer there to help stimulate their internal chemicals and distract them, all of these years’ worth of painful past memories and feelings may surface at once. This can be an overwhelming experience. And it can bring on many symptoms that do mimic depression, such as loss of appetite, loss of pleasure in usually enjoyable activities and changes in sleep habits. In fact, it can be truly difficult for the average person to tell the difference between this withdrawal experience and that of depression.

However, despite these symptomatic similarities, it is very important to distinguish between normal heartbreak, depression or other disorders and withdrawal because they require different – sometimes even completely opposite – approaches to recovery and support mechanisms.

One of the central aspects of withdrawal from an addiction is that the feelings, by their very nature, push the person with tremendous force in exactly the “wrong” direction. So a person experiencing withdrawal after a breakup feels with every fiber of his or her being that the best thing to do, the only answer to their pain, is to desperately try to get back the person from whom they are separated. In fact, the drive to do so can be so strong that it is likely behind many of the tragic “crimes of passion” or “fatal attraction” scenarios that periodically take place. But the additional tragedy is that even if such a person did get their ex back, it would only ease the pain temporarily, while further sinking them into the cycle of addiction.

While it is natural in the midst of pain on the order of serious withdrawal to want it to go away as fast as possible, quick fixes aren’t the answer. In fact, the search for quick fixes is exactly what creates an addict in the first place. Instead, a person experiencing relationship addiction withdrawal should take some different, and sometimes counterintuitive, steps.

  1. Do NOT run back to the person you are in withdrawal from, no matter how strongly you may feel driven to do so. Think of the feelings that urge you to return to them as powerful, but misguided, illusions.
  2. Resolve to use this opportunity – perhaps for the first time in your life – to prove to yourself that you can face your past and its pain and, with the right support, develop the courage and strength to survive it.
  3. Begin to educate yourself by reading books and resources about addictive relationships and related topics such as love addiction, sex addiction and codependence. They will help you make sense of what you’re going through and help you feel less alone.
  4. Seek support groups and/or therapists that know about or specialize in relationship addiction or related fields like codependence. This can be crucial, as it is very difficult to go through withdrawal and not run back to the source of your addiction without support from other healthier sources. Don’t hesitate to ask openly if potential support people are aware of important distinctions such as those between normal heartbreak, depression and addictive relationship withdrawal. Ask if they are equipped to help you figure out which one you are experiencing and treat it accordingly.

Remember, most breakups hurt and the pain you are feeling may be simple, healthy heartache that will pass with time. Or it may be something more serious, but widely recognized like depression. By no means should you rule these out. Take the time and find the resources and qualified professionals necessary to help you if these are what you are experiencing.

But make sure that you and those who offer you breakup advice and support at least consider the possibility that you may be in withdrawal from a relationship addiction.

Why another website about breakup advice?

The time frames surrounding breakups – whether before, when you are on the verge of or considering one, during the actual breakup or after the breakup – can be very vulnerable periods. It can take support to optimally survive them. But they are also incredibly teachable moments, full of discoveries that can ultimately improve your life.

I know. Throughout my life, I’ve been through several breakups. Each one was painful – some more than others. And each time, I made it through thanks to the support and wisdom that I found in a variety of places. In fact, because of these resources, each breakup brought me more insight about myself, my partner or ex-partner, relationships and life.

Believe it or not, but if you choose your responses carefully, you may look back on your breakup as the best thing that ever happened to you. And even if the aftermath doesn’t turn out quite that rosy, applying certain strategies and tools can still help you glean as many benefits as possible from your breakup.

This website will aim to help you do just that by:

  • Offering a variety of ideas and resources to support you through the pain of the times surrounding a breakup
  • Offering insights that can help you distill important lessons from your pain – lessons that can help you both during and long after the breakup (and possibly improve your relationship in the event that you stay in or return to it

I’m sure that many will come to this website with hopes of improving or restoring their relationship with the person that they are considering breaking up with or have broken up with. At times, I will certainly offer thoughts on how to do just that. But I also hope that the lessons you learn here at the periods close to a separation will serve you well regardless of whether you end up back together with your partner

There are many websites and resources offering breakup advice. Some of them, which I’ve alluded to, are great and I will share many of those with you over time. But there are also many that offer superficial advice and temporary quick fixes that ultimately only postpone problems.

This site will be different. Of course, when there truly are quick fixes that work, I will share those. But, as is so often true in life, there are sometimes no shortcuts without a steep price. That’s why this site will aim, instead, to help you gain deeper and more lasting insights by delving into the fundamental issues surrounding breakups, such as:

  • The underlying purpose of romantic relationships
  • How our intimate relationships tie into deeper issues stemming from our childhoods and our families
  • Why we are attracted to certain people so much more strongly than others
  •  Why separation and breakup can hurt so badly, even when we know that the relationship was bad for us or that we are overreacting

Although it may, at times, be uncomfortable to consider these deeper issues, I believe that, in the long run, it will be worthwhile.

In fact, I think that these issues are so important and relevant that I hope even people not currently involved in a breakup – whether singles seeking healthier relationships or people hoping to improve their current relationships – will still find this site interesting and useful.

So thanks for visiting Breakup Advice. I hope you’ll check back here often, subscribe, and/or write in with topics you’d like to hear more about.

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